Monday, November 7, 2016

Hello Again!

From 25 October 2016

Dearest Everyone,

We need guidance from our Heavenly Father.  We need it every single day, and if we learn to SEEK it actively, we will be SO much more blessed in our lives.  I invite you all to pray for guidance, write that guidance down, and then DO IT.  And afterwards, you can report on what you did with it to our Heavenly Father.  That´s what I´ve been learning to do!  I really don´t have words to describe the amazing blessings of that process.  

In other news, we are here in Hidalgo, working hard!  Next week is Day of the Dead, and then... well, then comes November... weird.  Tomorrow Hermana Bracamonte and I celebrate our 1-year anniversary of being companions!  (haaapappppppyyyy :) ) Anyway, it´s going to be a busy week (#2) and we started it off pretty well.  

Today we visited a very touristy part of the city called "Reforma". This trip included a LOT of cool sights and pictures, but (of course) I can´t send pictures on this computer, so... you will have to wait.  One day...


Lots of love
Hermana Houghton


From 18 October 2016

we got REALLY tired one day... 
Dearest Everyone,

This week´s lesson has been rather deep and complicated, but the gist of it is this: If we want to receive guidance from Heavenly Father, we have to be willing to do what He tells us.  And it´s usually not the easiest/most comfortable thing to do.  Receiving Revelation (personal guidance from Heavenly Father by way of the Holy Ghost) is REALLY simple, and REALLY complicated.  (I´m still figuring it out, so I´ll leave the topic right there).

Sssooo, this week we had Zone Conference, Zone training, and we preached the gospel a fair bit as well!  It was good!  Today we played volleyball and kickball as a zone, and then Hermana Bracamonte and I started a water fight that we didn´t win.  That is what happened!  We also ate ice cream (old Pday tradition), and corn (new Pday tradition)--mexican style!  AAaaannnd life is crazy.  Time seems to be flying by, and each week goes faster than the last one!

So here´s the invitation to you all:  Sometimes we think that our missionary efforts have to be limited to ACTUALLY talking to people, but we live in a time and age where we tend to communicate more with our thumbs than with our mouths.  So.  I invite you all to share the gospel/your testimonies with those thumbs today!  Take a selfie with some missionaries near you, post a video from General Conference, or send a quick message to an old-time friend who you haven´t talked to in a while!  Do SOMETHING to share the beautiful light that the gospel has given us.

And have FUN!
Hermana Houghton

P.S. photos: 
we... ate corn!​

we had a zone activity! (and got wet!)

Wednesday, October 12, 2016


From 11 October 2016

adventures in the cold

This week.  We went on SO MANY adventures.  It was great!

the park is called "crocodiles"
Hermana Bracamonte and I are working all kinds of hard here in Hidalgo, and we are determined to preach the gospel to ALL of the people.  We´ve been knocking on doors, talking to people in the street, making apointments, teaching the gospel, praying, fasting, smiling, waving, studying, aaaaannnnnddddd laughing.  Lots and lots of laughing.  You see, if you take life too seriously (even as a missionary) you will go CRAZY.  So it´s better to laugh.

how we feel about apostasy

Then, on Pday, after working hard all week, we PLAY hard (aka, go sight-seeing and visit all the places we can).  This week we visited the Basilica, and we ate at a tasty restaurant named "Huarachín Huarachón".  MMMmmmmmmmm good.  We´also celebrated Hermana Bracamonte´s year-mark by buying ice cream!  Anyway, you can check out the pictures for more details!

 ice creaaaammmmm....

Ok. Spiritual thought today comes from the book of Luke, chapter 2.  This is a pretty famous chapter, where Christ is born, and wise men and shepherds come to see him, etc.  One of my very favorite parts of this whole thing is a little line about Mary, who "kept all these things in her heart and pondered them".  I think that sometimes when big, wonderful things (or little things) happen in our lives, we get excited, they happen, they´re over, and then we forget them.  But I think with things like General Conference, or other experiences during the week, we can remember this very important lesson from Mary, and keep these things in our heart to meditate.  I invite you all to do it, and to have a fantastic week meditating!

Lots of love,
Hermana Houghton

goodbye to Hermana Beck

welcome back Hermana Bracamonte!

please notice the man in the back of this picture who has tied his child up with a blanket.

hmmmm... the park was empty

camel ride, anyone?


we contacted in a park as a district!


From 4 October 2016

SSSsooooooooommmething WONDERFUL happened this week!  President Naumann sent me an early birthday present named: HERMANA BRACAMONTE! Yeah.  In case you didn´t already know, she was my companion LAST October-January.  And now WE´RE TOGETHER AGAIN!  YAY!!!  Hermana Beck shall be missed very much, but the Lord called her to Balbuena, and off she faithfully went.

So this past week we went crazy getting ready for General conference, and it was COMPLETELY worth it!  The messages shared in this conference were VERY powerful, and I especially enjoyed the musical numbers that acompanied all of the powerful talks.  As you can probably imagine, I LOVED the focus on member missionary work, and the added power of a choir of missionaries in the Saturday session of conference was really special.  Honestly, I can testify of the enormous blessings Heavenly Father has for His children who want to share the gospel.  He worries about all of us, and send His gospel to help.  I hope that you all thought seriously about the invitation that Heavenly Father made for each one of us to share the restored gospel with those around us.  We should do it with a spirit of prayer and love, but the point is mainly that WE DO IT!

Here in Mexico, we will continue working, with joy in our hearts and smiles on our faces! I love you all and hope you have a great week, with lots of joy ! (my other favorite part was President Nelson´s talk) :D

Hermana Houghton

P.S.... I will send pictures next week... sorryy!!!

Hello to EVERYONE!

From 27 September 2016

templo mayor

Eating quesadillas in the Tiangies today
Hello to EVERYONE! 
Life is good.  Today we went on an adventure to the Tiangis, ("tee-ang-ees"--outdoor street-market where they sell... everything: sea food, tacos, hand-made tortillas, tlacollos, cleaning supplies, fruits and vegetables, clothes, accessories, phones, plants, shoes, kitchen stuff, etc.), where we wandered around for a couple of hours bargaining for trinkets and eating strange foods. Now, we´re going to go clean... And that abour wraps up our pday (other than buying groceries, emailing, and doing laundry)  Anyway, it´s been a fun little time :)

bike-taxi, and the Cathedral

Also, last week we went to the Zocalo, where we saw the "Templo Mayor" or the ruins and museum of ancient temple from the times of the Mexicas. We also saw a really old cathedral, and we took a ride in a bike-taxi :D  (see pictures, attached)

As far as the work is concerned, we continue to preach the gospel.  One important lesson we learned (which some of you have also learned this week from the General Women´s session of the world-wide Conference) is that there are 2 things that faith CANNOT do.  #1 Force the agency of another person, and #2 Put our will above God´s will.  Even with ALL of the faith in the world, we cannot do these two things.  Which is good.  Everybody gets to make their own decisions.  I also learned more about how to receive revelation.  When we need divine help to make decisions or do things, we need to put our brains to work FIRST (before we just ask Heavenly Father for the answer) and we need to come up with some plans/ideas.  Then, when we´ve "studied it out in our minds" we need to ask the Lord if those plans are good, and if He will bless them.  And that´s how we can receive the divine help we´re looking for.  If we never think to make our own plans, the Lord won´t usually just reveal it all to us.  We have to do our part! (LIGHT BULB!)  

So, as you can see, I´m still learning A LOT here in Mexico, and it will continue to be that way because I am determined to keep working as hard as I can here in the Lord´s Vineyard.  Thank you for all of your support!
Hermana Houghton

Displaying image.png


Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Dearest Everyone

From 21 September 2016

"the district" ... we´re a pretty big district...

Today we went on adventures!!!  Unfortunately, I can´t send you the pictures, because I don´t have any time left!  so you will have to wait 7 more days to see all that we saw today. :/

In other news, this week was the "15 de Septiembre" (Mexico´s Independence Day), so on thursday night there were fireworks, pozole, little carnivals in the street, and Mexican flags, and red, white, and green decorations ALL OVER THE PLACE!  Naturally, we went home early and did weekly planning during the "pachanga" (party), and when we got up the next morning EVERYTHING was closed.  But we did get to see some cool plane formations fly overhead.  

Anyway... I promise to send a better email next week!  Be very safe and happy and PUT A SMILE ON YOUR FACE!

Lots of love,
Hermana Houghton

Monday, September 19, 2016


From 13 September 2016

WE WENT TO THE TEMPLE!!!!  Really, we go to the temple all of the time, but we only get to go INSIDE every now and then!  So it was a special day :)


This week we made a LOT of good plans, and a LOT of them got really quite complicated as various events and issues presented themselves!  But we continue to learn and grow each and every day, and preach the gospel in every way that we can!

UUUummm... yessssss... Life lessons learned: Trust in the Lord and everything will work out.  He may not give us the answers we want when we want them, but He will send what we need, WHEN we need it.

Have a LOVELY week!
Hermana Houghton

Anyone who can name the 3 big important church leaders
 in this picture wins a cool souvenir from Mexico!

A visit with these three important church leaders
(including Sister Bonnie Oscarson, Young Women General President)